Tips for a Happy, Healthy 2013

What’s the best New Year’s Resolution to make?  How about making one to grow old gracefully?

It’s that time of year again when people are making lists—the top 10 this, that, and the other from 2012 and top ways to make 2013 even better.  And everyone’s also talking about New Year’s Resolutions—Do you make them? Should you make them? And if you do, how will you keep them?

Researchers at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ)  in Stratford, NJ recently released their findings that led them to develop 10 New Year’s resolutions to help you age successfully. Dr. Terri Ginsberg of the New Jersey Institute for Successful Aging at the UMDNJ-School of Osteopathic Medicine, says that there are some pretty simple ways to age successfully, and offers these tips as New Year’s Resolutions for ageing gracefully, and staying healthy in 2013.

  1. Get better sleep at night by avoiding naps during the day, or watching TV in bed—regardless of how tired you are.
  2. Eat well, including lots of coloured vegetables. Those green, yellow, and red fruits and veggies have lots of nutrients that your body needs—especially as you get older.
  3. Improve your oral health, and improve lung and heart health.  Make an appointment with your doctor and dentist soon to start the year off right with a good check-up. Then, follow their advice and get whatever tests you need to stay healthy. Researchers found there is a direct link between better dental care and improved cardiovascular health. Source:
  4. Stop worrying. You really can make yourself sick by worrying excessively —especially about things over which you have no control. Let it go. Worry lines on your face make you look older too.
  5. Stay in touch with family and friends.  Keeping busy and social keeps you healthy, and active, which makes you at least feel younger.
  6. Exercise your body and your mind by moving more, and reading more.  Take a walk to the library, and improve your mental and physical health.
  7. Have some fun by laughing and singing more. This helps with #4 too.
  8. Get involved with others by volunteering in your community.  No matter how busy you are, helping someone else is good for your health, and your lifestyle.

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Regardless of whether you make New Year’s resolutions have a happy, healthy 2012.


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