Ending Appointments on a Happy Note


Begin with the end in mind” – Stephen Covey

Every physician has experienced the patient who only tells them the real – and concerning – reason for their appointment as they’re getting ready to leave the exam room. 

While considering these steps won’t solve all those challenges, these steps could help.

  1. Let the patient know how long you have to spend with them.
  2. Agree on an agenda at the beginning of the appointment. Anything not covered, or added, they need to know to make an additional appointment.
  3. Nearing the end of the appointment, link back to the agreed upon agenda and remind them that your time together is almost up.
  4. Affirm the patient’s reason for visiting, such as “I’m glad you came in today to see me about this.”
  5. Outline the follow-up plan, be it sending the patient for tests and/or a follow-up appointment, and state the reason for the follow-up visit. If it’s to review tests, they need to know they have to have the tests done within a certain time frame for you to get the test results back in time for the follow-up appointment.
  6. Say goodbye with a smile on your face.

Now it’s time to write down your closure statement and start using it!


2Ascribe Inc. is a medical transcription services agency located in Toronto, Ontario Canada, providing medical transcription services to physicians, clinics and other healthcare providers across Canada. Our medical transcriptionists take pride in the quality of your transcribed documents. WEBshuttle is our client interface portal for document management. 2Ascribe continues to implement and develop technology to assist and improve the transcription process for physicians and other healthcare providers, including AUTOfax. AUTOfax works within WEBshuttle to automatically send faxes to referring physicians when a document is e-signed by the healthcare professional. As a service to our clients and the healthcare industry, 2Ascribe offers articles of interest to physicians and other healthcare professionals, medical transcriptionists and office staff, as well as of general interest. Additional articles may be found at http://www.2ascribe.com.  For more information on Canadian transcription services, medical transcription work or dictation options, please contact us at info@2ascribe.com.


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