One of the challenges in medical transcription is that the audio quality is not always of optimal quality. There are many words that sound alike, and some can be difficult to understand, even in context. Below is Part 1 (A – C) listing sound alike words that are encountered by medical professionals, along with a brief definition. It’s helpful for both health care professionals and transcriptionists to review them to make sure they are deliberate in their pronunciation as well as to understanding the context in which they are used.
abdominal pertaining to the abdomen
abominable detestable; unpleasant or disagreeable
abduction moving away from (often dictated as “a-b-duction”)
adduction drawing toward (often dictated as “a-d-duction”)
aberrant wandering; abnormal
apparent clear or obvious; visible
abject existing in a low condition, as in abject poverty
object to oppose (v); something on which one is focused (n)
ablation surgical removal
oblation religious offering
accent characteristic pronunciation
ascent rising or moving upward; upward slope or incline
assent to agree with (v); agreement (n)
accept to receive willingly; to regard as proper
except other than; to leave out or exclude
access means of approach; the ability or right to approach
axis center
excess more than usual
acetic sour
acidic acid-forming
aesthetic characterized by increased awareness of beauty
ascitic pertaining to an accumulation of serous fluid in the abdominal cavity
asthenic pertaining to or characterized by a lack or loss of energy
esthesic mental perception of sensation
esthetic improvement in appearance
Acufex arthroscopic instruments
Acuflex an intraocular lens
adverse contrary to one’s interests; undesirable, unwanted, as in adverse reaction
averse having a feeling of dislike or revulsion, as in averse to taking risks
advice opinion about what should be done (n)
advise to counsel, recommend, or inform (v)
aerogenous gas-producing
erogenous arousing erotic feelings, as in erogenous zone
affect to influence (v), as in he affected her deeply; external expression of emotion (n), as in a
flat affect (psych)
effect to bring about (v), as in effect a change; result (n), as in cause and effect
afferent toward a center
efferent outward from a center
affusion act of pouring a liquid on
effusion liquid which escapes into tissue
infusion introduction of a liquid solution through a vein or tissue
alfa international spelling for alpha, as in interferon alfa
alpha first letter of the Greek alphabet; the first one; the beginning
allude make reference to
elude evade
elute extract or remove
allusion indirect but pointed meaning or reference
elution separation by washing of one solid from another
illusion erroneous perception of reality
alkalosis increased alkalinity of blood and tissues
ankylosis immobilization of a joint
all the whole amount
awl a pointed instrument
alternate a person acting in the place of another, as in an alternate delegate (n);
to do by turns (v)
alternating happening by turns, as in alternating movements
alternative a choice between two possibilities, as in the only alternative
anecdote an amusing or interesting short story
antidote a remedy for counteracting a poison
anergia inactivity
inertia inability to move spontaneously
anuresis retention of urine in the bladder
enuresis involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which control should have been achieved; bed-wetting
aphagia refusal or inability to swallow
aphakia absence of the lens of the eye, most commonly caused by extraction of a cataract
aphasia speech disorder that involves a defect or loss of the power of expression by speaking, writing, or signing; also inability to comprehend spoken or written language
aplasia lack of development of an organ or tissue
apposition placing side by side or next to
opposition contrary action or condition
assure to cause to feel sure; to make safe or secure
ensure to make sure or certain
insure to make secure; to ensure
astasia inability to stand due to lack of muscle coordination
ectasia dilation or expansion
attacks spells; assaults
Atarax tranquilizer
ataxia failure or irregularity of muscle coordination
aura a sensation or motor phenomenon that precedes a paroxysmal attack such as a seizure
aural pertaining to the ear
ora plural of os
oral pertaining to the mouth
orale the point in the midline of the maxillary suture that is lingual to the central incisors
avert to turn aside or turn away
evert to turn inside out
invert to turn inside out or upside down; to reverse the order
overt open to view
BAER brainstem auditory evoked response
bare nude
Bayer brand name for aspirin
bear to tolerate
ball valve a heart valve
bivalve consisting of two similar but separable parts
Beaver brand name of a series of blades, knives, and keratomes
Deaver retractor
bolus a single, rather large mass or quantity of a drug or medication that is administered either orally or intravenously
bullous relating to bullae
caliber the diameter of a projectile, usually a bullet; the diameter of a canal or tube
calipers a compass-like instrument used for measuring thicknesses, such as skinfolds
callous hard like a callus; hardened in mind or feelings, as in a callous attitude
callus a hardened or thickened area of skin; the meshwork of woven bone that forms at the site of a healing fracture, as in callus formation
carotid artery
parotid gland
caudal a position more toward the tail; often used as a synonym for inferior
coddle to pamper
Cottle a manufacturer of surgical instruments
cease to stop doing; to come to an end
seize to grab; to take by force; to convulse
cecal pertaining to the cecum
fecal pertaining to feces
thecal pertaining to an enclosing case or sheath, as in thecal sac
cede yield or grant, as in the tennis player was forced to cede the point to her opponent
seat to cause or assist to sit down; to fix firmly in place, as with components of a joint replacement
seed semen; a small shell used in application of radiation therapy
celiotomy surgical incision into the abdominal cavity
ciliotomy surgical division of the ciliary nerves
cell smallest unit of life capable of existence
cella an enclosure or compartment
sella a saddle-shaped depression, as in sella turcica
cellular consisting of cells; porous
sellar pertaining to the sella turcica
cerise deep to vivid purplish red
cerous pertaining to or containing the metallic element cerium
scirrhous pertaining to or of the nature of a hard cancer
serous pertaining to or resembling serum
cholic an acid; relating to bile
colic acute abdominal pain
chordae plural of chorda; any cord or sinew
chordee downward bowing of the penis
cilium a hairlike projection from a cell
psyllium the seed of a plant that is used as a mild laxative
circumcise to remove the foreskin of the penis
circumscribe to mark off carefully
cirrhosis liver disease
xerosis abnormal dryness, as seen in the eyes, skin, or mouth
cite to quote as an authority or example; to mention as an illustration
-cyte cell
sight the function of seeing
site a place or location
clonus alternating muscular contraction and relaxation in rapid succession
conus resembling a cone in shape
cornice a decorative band
CNS central nervous system
C&S culture and sensitivity
collum the neck
column a pillar-like structure
complement that which completes or makes perfect
compliment an expression of praise or admiration
continence self-restraint; the ability to retain urine or feces
continents land masses of the world
continual recurring frequently
continuous going on without interruption
council an executive or advisory body
counsel advice given as a result of a consultation
corollary something that naturally follows
coronary pertaining to the heart
creatine high-energy phosphate
creatinine product excreted in urine; a diagnostic indicator of kidney function
keratan a sulfate found in the cornea and in skeletal tissues
keratin scleroprotein that forms the primary components of epidermis, hair, nails and horny tissues
cremation consumption by fire
crenation abnormal notch found on microscopic exam of an erythrocyte
crus a term used to designate a leg-like part
crux a decisive point, as in crux of the matter
cytotoxin a toxin or antibody that has a toxic action on cells of a specific organ
Cytoxan an antineoplastic drug
sitotoxin food poisoning
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